Carlos Gómez Camarena maintains a psychoanalytical practice in Mexico City. Full time professor and researcher at Communication Department (Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City). Member of the Forums of the Lacanian Field in Mexico. He holds a PhD in psychoanalysis and psychopathology (Université Sorbonne Paris Cité). His research interests are Antiphilosophy, Contemporary French Philosophy and the clinical and theoretical uses of mathematics and poetry in Lacanian psychoanalysis. He was part of the translator team of Barbara Cassin’s Dictionary of Untranslatables. Currently, he is editing the Marx-Lacan Vocabulary.
Gómez Camarena, C. et al (Eds.). 2022. The Marx through Lacan Vocabulary: A Compass for Libidinal and Political Economies. London: Routledge. French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian editions in press.
Gómez Camarena, C. 2022. “Preface,” “Politics,” “Segregation” and “Appendix II: What is a Matheme?”. In C. Gómez Camarena et al (Eds.), The Marx through Lacan Vocabulary: A Compass for Libidinal and Political Economies. London: Routledge.
Gómez Camarena, C. 2020. “Acontecimiento” in Ricardo Espinoza Lolas (Ed.), Conceptos para demoler la educación capitalista. Gedisa: Barcelona.