This film series, curated by Surti Singh, Department of Philosophy, and Sami Khatib, Department of the Arts, took place in conjunction with Surti Singh's Spring 2020 graduate course, Philosophy and Film: Time and Memory in Cinema. The programming, with its focus on avant-garde cinema, attracted current students, alumni, faculty, and a public audience interested in taking up the films in an intellectual, informed context. The series was co-sponsored by Extimacies and the Tahrir Cultural Center.
Before the series’ premature ending, two screenings took place in the Armenian Room of the AUC Tahrir Campus. The first film, Last Year in Marienbad (1961), was shown on February 11, 2020 and the second film The Exterminating Angel (1962) was shown on February 25, 2020. The screenings were open and widely advertised to the public, and the successful attendance for both screenings would not have been possible without the collaboration with TCC.
Each screening was followed by a discussion, moderated by profs Singh and Khatib, and participants engaged the films’ thematic elements and questions of temporality.