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Tomšič, Samo. 2019 “Risa y capitalismo.” C. Gómez Camarena (trans.). In Revista Teoría y crítica de la psicología, No. 13. Translation from English into Spanish.
Zizek, S. 2020. “La realidad de lo virtual,” S. Aguilar Alcalá (trans.). Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación 38: 183-208.
Stavchansky, L. (in press for March 2023). “Childhood and Adolescence: The Familiar Strangeness of Virtuality”. C. Gómez Camarena (trans.). In Precarities of 21th Century Childhoods. M. O’Loughlin, C. Owens and L. Rothschild (Eds.). London, Lexington Books (March 2023). Translation from Spanish into English.
Singh, S. 2019. “Dark Play: Aesthetic Resistance in Lukács, Benjamin, and Adorno” in Philosophy & Social Criticism. On-Line First. https://doi.org/10.1177/0191453719866244 (Under review for Portuguese translation by M. Fidelis and R. Guerra)
Singh, S. 2017. “Playing Our Selves: An Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century” On the Emergence of Pigeon Towers, Ed. K, Yassin-Gossinger, Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences. http://www.ci-las.org/on-pigeon-towers.html(Arabic translation by H. El-Hajj, Boring Books, February 2020)
Khatib, S. 2019. Il Frammento teologico-politico di Walter Benjamin: Messianico o Messia, mistica o apocalittica? (German original: Walter Benjamins Theologisch-politisches Fragment: Messianisches oder Messias, Mystik oder Apokalyptik?), trans. Gbriele Guerra, in Gabriele Guerra and Tamara Tagliacozzo, eds. Felicità e tramonto: Sul Frammento teologico-politico di Walter Benjamin. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet. 19-32.
Boni, L. 2019. “La conjuración. Lacan alrededor del 68. Algunos elementos para una lectura coyuntural.” C. Gómez Camarena (trans.). In Revista Teoría y crítica de la psicología, No. 12. (Spanish Translation by Carlos Gómez Camarena)
Bianchi, P. 2019. “De la representación a la lucha de clases. Una respuesta a Samo Tomšič.” C. Gómez Camarena (trans.). In Revista Teoría y crítica de la psicología, No. 13.
Singh, S. 2021. “The Artwork as Monad: Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory” in The ‘Aging’ of Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory: 50 Years Later. Edited by S. Marino, S. Gandesha, and J. Hartle. Milan: Mimesis International Press.
Khatib, S. 2019. “Karl Marx. Mit Benjamin für Marx, mit Marx für Benjamin,” in Entwendungen – Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen, eds. J. Nitsche and N. Werner, München: Fink. 321-347.
Khatib, S. 2019. “‘Sinnlich übersinnlich’”: Die Ästhetik der Realabstraktion,” in Marx und die Krise, eds. M. Ponzi and A. Koenig, Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann, 73-95.
Khatib, S. 2019. “How to Exhibit the Spatialization of History?.” In Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibition, eds. T. Garcia and V. Normand. Berlin: Sternberg Press.