Sami Khatib is Visiting Professor of Art Research and Media Theory at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). Sami's research spans the fields of Aesthetic Theory, Critical Theory, Visual Arts, Media Theory, and Cultural Studies with a special focus on the thought of Walter Benjamin. He is a founding member of the Beirut Institute for Critical Analysis and Research (BICAR) and author of the book “Teleologie ohne Endzweck: Walter Benjamins Ent-stellung des Messianischen” [“Teleology without End.” Walter Benjamin’s Dislocation of the Messianic], Marburg, 2013. His ongoing research project “Aesthetics of Real Abstraction" examines the aesthetic scope and political relevance of Marx’s discovery of the commodity form.
Dr. Sami Khatib, Visiting Professor of Art Research and Media Philosophy
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG)
Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany
“Singularitätseffekte,“ Historiker Streiten, Susan Neiman and Michael Wildt (eds.),
Berlin: Ullstein, Propyläen, 2022, 59-74.
“La lingua nell’epoca della sua traducibilità capitalista,” trans. eds., Un incontro
mancato: Walter Benjamin e Antonio Gramsci, Dario Gentili, Elettra Stimilli, Gabriele
Guerra (eds.), Rome: Quodlibet, 2023, 219-234.
“A Positive Concept of Barbarism: Benjamin and the Consequences,” e-flux journal,
issue 141, December 2023, URL.