Prof. Dr. Silvio Carneiro is a scholar in the fields of Critical Theory, Contemporary Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, and Philosophy of Psychoanalysis. He is a professor at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), in Brazil. He conducts his research work on Education as a member of the Rede Escola Pública e Universidade (Network for Public Schools and Universities) and of the DiEPEE/UFABC (Research Group on Education Rights, Educational Policies, and Schools). His work as a member of the board of directors of the International Herbert Marcuse Society has, as its focus, Critical Theory, Education, Psychoanalysis, and Politics. He is the coordinator of the Brazilian segment of international project Extimacies: Critical Theory from the Global South, in the context of which he inquires into the dialectics of violence, with a particular emphasis on the dual role of violence as a significant component in both revolutionary emancipation and totalitarian Terror.
Some of his papers can be found at:
Carneiro, S., C.E. Ribeiro and V. F. Augusto. 2019. “Na orla do tempo, os mil rostos de nossa atualidade: porque ainda a Arqueologia - Apresentação do Dossíê 'Foucault, Políticas da Arqueologia - 50 anos da Arqueologia do Saber'.” Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política (USP), v. 2, p. 33-41
Carneiro, S. 2019. “Herbert Marcuse e a teoria crítica: para além da perspectiva normative da escola de Frankfurt. Revista Dialectus, 1:34-51.
Carneiro, S. 2019. “O currículo como forma.” Rivista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea, v. 7, p. 71-83.